Obtain or renew your driving licence without having to go to the Traffic Department.
We process your medical certificate for your driving licence on the spot, in just 15 minutes.
You only need your old driving licence, your ID card and glasses, if you use them.
We will take the photos for you completely free of charge.
To obtain or renew your driving licence, you need a medical certificate that certifies that you are in optimum physical and psychological condition. Renewing your driving licence at our medical centre in Palma de Mallorca is easy, convenient and quick, and can be done in approximately 15 minutes. Without any previous appointment required and without having to go through the DGT, and we take your photos for free!
To renew your driving licence, you need to collect these necessary documents:
You don’t have to go to the Traffic Department to renew your driving licence. At CMR we send your application electronically to the Traffic Headquarters. At the end of your visit, we will provide you with your provisional licence, which, together with your old licence, will serve you to drive until you receive your new licence by ordinary mail at your home address.
Obtain your medical certificate to renew your driving licence in Palma de Mallorca, in Plaza España, quickly and conveniently. All you have to do is bring your ID card, your old driving licence and your glasses, if you need them.
Approximately 15 minutes.
Approximately 45 minutes.
You can renew it up to 3 months before the expiry date of your licence.
It all depends on the physical and psychological faculties of each person. Consult your particular case with us.